30 Nov

Making tracks

“Winter’s long. Embrace it, don’t hate it.” Those are the wise words of 64-year-old Andy Dragt, founder of Slow and Steady Hikers in Calgary. Dragt escapes the city as often as he can, even in the winter. I interviewed him over...

26 Nov
Featured | Money

Keeping your investments safe

Investing can be part of a healthy financial future, enabling you to grow your money for retirement and financial goals like vacations or your child’s education costs. Making sure any investment opportunity fits in your financial plan or goals is...

23 Nov

Knitting; a most enjoyable pasttime

A neighbour and fellow knitter asked me to help her out by knitting some premie-baby caps and mittens. I accepted with enthusiasm because I have always loved to knit. Unfortunately, as I began the first cap, I found that my...

5 Nov

A delightful day in Carburn park

Most of our world will not look back on this year with undiluted pleasure. I recall the Queen saying that the year 1992 was her “Annus Horribillis,” and well, that phrase certainly describes 2020. Having said that, are we not...

13 Oct

A great day on the Camino

The first time 70-year-old Ariana Rose Brackenbury walked the Camino de Santiago, there were times when she thought she wouldn’t be able to complete the 780 km trek. But in the end, the excruciating pain of black and blue toes,...

6 Oct
Featured | Opinion

How to wake up

I’m a black coffee kind of guy. I remember being quite a bit younger and my gruff grandpa asking me if I’d like some coffee with my cream and sugar when I first started drinking the stuff, trying to drown out...

9 Sep

The town that changed Alberta

The small town of Turner Valley, just 63 kilometres southwest of Calgary, has a history steeped in the petroleum industry, with the development of Canada’s first commercial oilfield that triggered Alberta’s first oil boom in 1914. This is a historical look...

26 Aug

The longest journey

Just like many others before us, one day we left home to improve our lives. The reasons vary. It is usually either for religious, political, wars or penury reasons, but the result is the same. We didn’t know that by...

7 Aug

86-year-old YouTuber teaches Italian cuisine

It’s very easy to get the feeling that Mariano Trivelin doesn’t measure to the milliliter, in some calculated fashion like other chefs you could watch at home. In the 86-year-old’s video on how to make homemade gnocchi pasta, he takes a...

14 Jul

Sunny weather, at last!

Finally, a warm and sunny morning. It won’t be long before the trees will be in bloom. The bushes are already happily showing off their baby leaves which burst their buds overnight. The trees have a shade of green about...