14 Jul

Sunny weather, at last!

Finally, a warm and sunny morning. It won’t be long before the trees will be in bloom. The bushes are already happily showing off their baby leaves which burst their buds overnight. The trees have a shade of green about...

10 Jul
Current Events | Opinion

What I learned from Zoom

I remember back in March when I was approached by Kerby Centre about taking my yoga classes online. At that time, I really wasn’t sure how I felt about that, as I’ve only ever conducted classes in person, and I...

8 Jul

The Purveyors of Possibilities

It’s a Saturday morning with crisp June air, just cold enough that you can see the steam coming off of paper cups of coffee, held in hands by folks sitting in hard plastic chairs on a cold concrete driveway. They are...

7 Jul

It’s not the size of the trailer

The rain was coming down hard. My family and I were warm and dry in our 1973 Scamper trailer. We were enjoying our annual camping/gold panning trip to the Cariboo region in B.C. My daughters, six and nine-years-old, were stretched...

29 Jun
Current Events

One-time payments for seniors coming in July

In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, a one-time assistance payment will be coming specifically for seniors in early July, according to the federal government. The tax-free payment will consist of $300 for those eligible for Old Age Security Pension and an...

26 Jun

The ironing board

Today’s the day, I can’t put it off any longer. I have to get that ironing done. With all the determination I could muster, I wrestled my ironing board out of the cupboard and dragged it into the living room. The...

25 Jun
Wellness & Healthy Aging

Bread is good for the soul

My fingers brushed against a single small packet of yeast that I had thrown in the back of the cupboard earlier this spring. My friend had placed the packet in my hand, looked at me with pity and suggested that...

24 Jun
Featured | Opinion

Learning the language of cats

I have always been a dog person. There are fond memories in my mind of my grandma’s Doberman Pinscher — Czar — who, without fail, would take the spot beside my toddling form in a protective stance whenever a stranger was...