5 Oct
Current Events

An epidemic of isolation

A recently released report compiled by a Mount Royal University (MRU) student states that older adults in Calgary and the world over are facing an epidemic of isolation. Cindy Calderson, a nursing student at MRU, conducted interviews with elders and faculty...

10 Aug
Current Events | Opinion

Our most precious water

Water, without a doubt, is the most important element on our planet. It is transparent, has no taste and is made up of the most abundant elements in our universe. Two Hydrogen molecules and one Oxygen molecule join together to...

10 Jul
Current Events | Opinion

What I learned from Zoom

I remember back in March when I was approached by Kerby Centre about taking my yoga classes online. At that time, I really wasn’t sure how I felt about that, as I’ve only ever conducted classes in person, and I...

29 Jun
Current Events

One-time payments for seniors coming in July

In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, a one-time assistance payment will be coming specifically for seniors in early July, according to the federal government. The tax-free payment will consist of $300 for those eligible for Old Age Security Pension and an...

23 Jun
Current Events

Muslim seniors sew masks for charity

Although Seniors Week in June couldn’t be celebrated normally due to COVID-19 restrictions keeping folks indoors and distanced, some unstoppable seniors took the chance to work on charitable efforts to give back to the community. A group of Ismaili Muslim seniors...