20 Nov
Current Events

Girl Guide cookies donated to local seniors

Some folks might not think having 100 boxes of Girl Guide cookies lying around would be a problem requiring a solution — unless that solution involves a tall glass of milk. But when local guide leader Laura Istead found herself with...

6 Nov
Current Events

Kerby Centre bread market booming

There’s nothing better than a freshly baked loaf of bread. Crisp and fluffy, straight out of the oven, they are perfectly paired with a variety of condiments. This author loves a nice blackberry jam preserve with a generous slab of butter. Kerby...

8 Oct
Current Events

Halloween histories

Normally when folks discuss wearing masks in the middle of fall, they tend to be talking about trick-or-treating. With COVID-19, however, we’ve entered an autumn filled with some spooks much scarier than ghosts, goblins or vampires. If you’re like me, you’ve always...

5 Oct
Current Events

An epidemic of isolation

A recently released report compiled by a Mount Royal University (MRU) student states that older adults in Calgary and the world over are facing an epidemic of isolation. Cindy Calderson, a nursing student at MRU, conducted interviews with elders and faculty...

10 Aug
Current Events | Opinion

Our most precious water

Water, without a doubt, is the most important element on our planet. It is transparent, has no taste and is made up of the most abundant elements in our universe. Two Hydrogen molecules and one Oxygen molecule join together to...