5 Jul
Current Events

Elder abuse rates rise over COVID-19

Elder abuse is not often talked about for the threat that exists to a vulnerable population in Canada and the world over. June 15 was marked as “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day,” and people are asked to wear purple to mark...

22 Jun
Current Events

A summer of support

We are excited to have the opportunity to support older adults in Alberta, outside of the city of Calgary. Our team has been working with the staff at the City of Medicine Hat for the past few months. We’re creating...

1 Jun
Current Events | Featured

The music of my generation

Recently during one of PBS’s pledge drives, they featured one of my very favourite performers: Perry Como. As I sat watching and enjoying the music a feeling of nostalgia came over me. I fell in love with this music in...

1 Apr
Current Events | Featured

Behind the tricksters

Checking the news headlines on April 1 is always a gamble, every single year. Many organizations will put out their jokes and japes to celebrate the annual holiday of pranks, trying to catch readers unaware for a light laugh. With consistent headlines...

25 Mar
Current Events | Featured

Pride in our volunteers

A message from Kerby Centre CEO Larry Mathieson I looked for a definition of volunteerism online this morning. Volunteerism: the use or involvement of volunteer labour, especially in community services. A little uninspiring, given how volunteering really changes the world. Most years,...

11 Mar
Current Events | Featured

March comes in like a lion

It was just last year when Calgarians – and all Albertans – first heard of Covid-19. The pandemic’s anniversary dates from March 4 last year, when Alberta’s Dr. Hinshaw announced the first presumptive case of an Alberta resident stricken with...

3 Mar
Current Events | Featured

Volunteering at an animal rescue

Volunteering provides physical, social, and psychological benefits and is a valued role for older adults. Although adults volunteer for various organizations, there is limited understanding of why older adults volunteer for animal rescue organizations. Since the 1990s, the number of animal...

5 Jan
Current Events | Featured

New year, old resolutions

Here I go again: another new year but same old resolutions. It’s time to clean house and get rid of things I have hung on to for far too long. It’s time to reduce the clothes in my closet, things...