25 Oct
Wellness & Healthy Aging

Photo reflections

The gardening season has wrapped up for the year. Now it is time to take a look back. While the Calgary Horticultural Society recommends gardeners be note-taking journalists, for many this just doesn’t happen. However, with the ease of phone...

14 Oct
Wellness & Healthy Aging

Unmasking the myths

It’s nearly time for Halloween. It’s the season of the year when tykes head door-to-door for their annual fall sugar rush, donning adorable costumes and outfits. However, it’s also the time of year when we’re reminded of frights and terrors. We all...

2 Oct
Wellness & Healthy Aging

The power of silence

Recently I was reminded how important silence is to my well-being.My apartment faces a very busy street in Calgary and there are times when the roar of the traffic is almost deafening.From early morning to late at night, motorcycles, cars,...

30 Aug
Wellness & Healthy Aging

We love geraniums!

It feels like I just finished planting the last of my Pelargoniums. Well…I was still planting them on August 6. But that’s part of the beauty of Pelargoniums, commonly known as annual geraniums. They can hang out in their nursery...

14 Jul
Featured | Wellness & Healthy Aging

Be a Good Neighbour

There’s nothing like working in the front yard garden to call the neighbours over. On their way to get the mail or while out walking the dog, they’ll come by to see what you’re doing. Gardening is an easy conversation...

11 Jul
Wellness & Healthy Aging

Older Adults and Opioids

A friend of mine was talking with me recently about how his visit to the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia brought home to him the powerful impact of drug addiction in America today. Walking through North Philadelphia neighborhoods he described...

10 Jul
Wellness & Healthy Aging

Four tips for a bee-friendly yard

Did you know that to craft a single pound of honey, bees fly around 80,000 kilometres and visit some two million flowers? However, their impact goes far beyond supplying sweetener for your beverages and baked goods. “Bees are really important for...