Unison, for Generations 50+, is a great place to work!

Photo by Unison, for Generations 50+
Looking for a job in Calgary? There are tons of factors that go into a job search these days. You don’t just want a paycheque; people want to feel like they’re making a difference, they want to be treated well and they want to be part of an organization that values them. And Unison, for Generations 50+, is one of those places!
But don’t take our word for it: we were one of only 22 non-profits, across Canada, to receive a Canadian Nonprofit Employer of Choice Award from Corporate Culture and Employer of Choice Recognition (CCEOC) Inc.
“Post-pandemic, things are not status quo. said Jeff Doran, president of CCEOC. “These organizations continue to place their employees as their number one priority. They took the time to assess their operations and recognize their employees for all their hard work and sacrifice. My hat is off to all of these amazing nonprofits!”
“All winning nonprofits showed strong leadership qualities, particularly in the areas of building trust & respect, communication, and employee engagement.”
Part of the National Employer of Choice award (NEOC), according to the CCEOC, is to debunk the myths that employees in the nonprofit sector are willing to work in exchange for the chance to do good in their communities.
Here at Unison, we’re dedicated to making sure our employees not only feel good about the difference they make in their communities, but also about working for us!
And I can say that with pride: because I work here!
I have for almost half a decade, and I can safely say that Unison is a fantastic place to work, especially as a large portion of my employment here occurred over the terrifying and disruptive COVID-19 crisis.
Unison has always been understanding, kind and responsible to their employees, in my experience.
And if you’re looking to join our incredible team, make sure you check out our employment opportunities online.
Because the values of our organization don’t stop at the way we care for seniors: they extend to the way we care about our staff. We’re so thankful to every volunteer, client and staff member that help us making our community a better place for seniors.