How to craft a Spring Flower Arrangement

Photo by Laureen James

Looking forward to spring? Me too!

Leaving behind the white and browns of winter with glorious thoughts of living in full color. Yellows, pinks, blues and greens­­ beautiful arrays that lift the spirits. I usually purchase live flowering plants for spring but this year I’m thinking I’d like to try something new. I’m so impatient to get out in my garden this year so I decided to research different floral arranging ideas, that even a not-so-crafty person, like me, could make to add a splash of spring color to my home.

I spoke with a few florists about how much time, effort and money it would take to design and create a lovely centrepiece for my table using fresh flowers. Turns out you need a few specialized tools and materials to create a balanced arrangement. I have to admit, I initially felt that I could easily build a bountiful bouquet. My enthusiasm waned once I learned about some of the technical aspects of floral design. Maybe I’ll leave real flower arranging to the pros.

Next, I spoke with another florist who not only designs flower arrangements but also designs outdoor garden spaces. I asked her about using faux (fake) flowers along with some real flowers to fill out a colourful look while saving a few bucks. I was amazed when she said that people walking through parks and gardens don’t realize that there is often a mixture of fake and real plants.

After speaking with a few crafters about my floral adventures I felt like I was getting closer to a flower project that I could do but still I kept looking in case an even better, easier, more financially doable project could be found. I like crafts that I can complete easily and quickly while achieving an aesthetically pleasing final project I can be proud of.

I thought about what things are important to me for home décor and plants in general. I have some potted flowering plants that, when in bloom make me very happy. There are things that I don’t like about potted plants; the mess of repotting, the watering and the occasional wet ring marks on my good furniture.

Fresh flowers in vases are really nice but again there is some upkeep and their beauty is short-lived. The supplies and knowledge of flower arranging balance and design just left me bewildered. I kept Googling for easy, simple long-lasting flower arrangement projects.

Suddenly, there was my answer, staring at me – a lovely simple clean looking composition of beauty. I watched a YouTube video about how to make the project. I am excited to share what I learned through a series of photos and instructions so you to can make a lovely spring/summer arrangement of your own to bring forth some colourful beauty in your home.

Supplies: Clear glass or plastic vase, Ashland Acrylic Water kit (Michael’s Craft Store), Faux flowers, Wire cutters, Scissors, Disposable container, Optional – hot glue gun, Masking tape, Plastic tablecloth to protect your work area.

Many of the above-listed supplies can be purchased at dollar stores, second hand stores or you might even have many of the items in your home already.

Project Instructions:

  1. Wash and dry the flower vase.
  2. Trim faux flower stems to correct length. Trim unwanted leaves. You can use masking tape to mark the length before cutting.
  3. Coat the cut tips with hot glue to protect rust from wire leaking into acrylic water. (Optional step)
  4. Use masking tape to mark the vase where you will want the acrylic water to fill to. Approximately 1.5-2 inches deep.
  5. Follow the directions in the package for mixing the acrylic water in a disposable container. The mixing process is easy and takes 8 minutes.
  6. Pour the acrylic solution into the vase to fill to the masking tape fill line. Be careful to pour slowly so you do not create bubbles.
  7. Arrange the flowers in the vase. You have a half hour to gently move the flowers around.
  8. The finished project will take forty-eight hours to cure. Try not to move the vase before the forty-eight hours so that you get a nice clean water line look.
  9. Enjoy your lovely made-by-you flower arrangement.

I had the most wonderful afternoon creating my bountiful bouquets. I just couldn’t decide on one color palette, so I made three arrangements. I have to admit that I’m a bit phobic about chemicals so I enlisted the help of my husband and son to do the mixing of the acrylic water. If there are any steps in this project that make you feel uneasy feel free to have your husbands, grandkids or neighbors help you out.

I initially found this project online in a YouTube video. I Googled acrylic water floral arrangements how to and that brought up a whole list of great tutorials. I also spoke with Francesca at the Silk Plant Warehouse to get her views and ideas about faux flowers and acrylic water.

She loves creating them and referred to them as, “liquid illusions.”

What a beautiful way to describe the look!