Celebrating Seniors’ Week

Photo by Eberhard Grossgasteiger
Alberta Seniors’ week takes place between June 6 to 12 this year and we’re ready to celebrate it in a variety of ways.
Seniors’ Week has been recognized since 1986 to celebrate and recognize the contributions seniors make to enhance the quality of life in Alberta. The province-wide Seniors’ Week was inspired by the vision of the late Alice Modin.
More than 30 years ago, Modin began a campaign to start a seniors’ day in Strathcona County that helped pave the way for Seniors’ Week. Each year, organizations hold events in communities throughout the province to show their support for seniors by declaring Seniors’ Week locally.
The week of festivities is kicked off with a provincial launch event hosted by the Ministry of Seniors and Housing partnering with a community or organization. It is a time to show appreciation for older adults and the many contributions they make within our community through volunteering, assisting charities and supporting family members and friends.
At Veiner and Kerby Centre we know a lot about how Older Albertans make our communities better with their spirit of volunteerism and investments of time, treasure and talent. “Move and Groove” is this year’s theme and we have some fitting activities planned at both Veiner Centre and Kerby Center. You can find a listing of these activities here in Kerby News as well as on both our Kerby Centre and our Veiner Centre websites.
Follow our social media sites for up-to-date postings about the celebrations and events to celebrate this important week in Alberta. I am looking forward to running into you at some of our special events over the course of this incredible week.