22 Jun
Current Events

A summer of support

We are excited to have the opportunity to support older adults in Alberta, outside of the city of Calgary. Our team has been working with the staff at the City of Medicine Hat for the past few months. We’re creating...

10 Jun
Wellness & Healthy Aging

Pandemic’s impact on dementia caregivers

COVID-19 sent the lives of every Albertan into upheaval. But a recent study performed by the University of Calgary has revealed the extra burden that was placed on those caregiving for people living with dementia. The findings report a significant increase in...

3 Jun
Wellness & Healthy Aging

What we can learn through disagreements

You don’t have to venture far to find a difference in opinions. It’s everywhere. You may have found yourself having disagreements with loved ones, friends, co-workers and even those elected to lead us. Often disagreements are viewed in a negative light,...

1 Jun
Current Events | Featured

The music of my generation

Recently during one of PBS’s pledge drives, they featured one of my very favourite performers: Perry Como. As I sat watching and enjoying the music a feeling of nostalgia came over me. I fell in love with this music in...

20 May
Wellness & Healthy Aging

Early spring blooming

When a person thinks of a garden, typically the summer garden is what is pictured in the mind — a beautiful yard with lush green lawns, fully leafed-out trees and shrubs, and mature perennial plants and containers of annuals adding...

11 May

A downtown tour of art

We all know how this story starts. Since the rise of COVID-19, every single story has to include some sort of mention of the world-changing pandemic, how it’s made it more difficult to do basically anything fun or recreational. This is where...

6 May
Featured | Money

Being scam-smart this year

There are a variety of scams and frauds happening all the time in Canada, with new ones being invented daily. In 2020, Canadian reports of fraud reached 69,411, with 41,007 victims of the crime. In total, Canadians were defrauded to the...